Planned Cost Widget not summing correctly
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Planned Cost Widget not summing correctly


Article ID: 255727


Updated On: 10-20-2023


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When using the tile widget and making the calculation = Sum for Planned Costs the totals are not matching what is shown on the grid.


Release : 16.0.1


Make sure the view options are set to Grand Totals and not Sum of Periods.

The widget uses the Grand Totals and if not set to that the numbers may not be correct.

If you have Planned Cost and Totals Planned Cost in your columns and use Sum of Periods in your view Options you will see two different numbers in your columns and your widget will match the what shows in the Totals column.  So change your view options to Grand Totals so the widget will be correct.

Additional Information

Refer to documentation 

Working with Configurable Widgets