Sample CSV file is not available in Access module for Bulk Upload
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Sample CSV file is not available in Access module for Bulk Upload


Article ID: 255667


Updated On: 12-06-2022


CA Identity Suite


We noticed there is no sample file available for Bulk Upload function under Access Module.


but is available for other modules such as a Create user:

Can we enable a CSV sample for the Access Module?


Release : 14.3


Engineering has reviewed this and determined that the Access module not having a CSV example is the expected behavior and we cannot provide a sample CSV for Access tasks due to the nature of Access requests. 
They provided the following explanation:

In modules like Manage users, Create and Modify user actions are having single task forms associated with them. So, the portal has provided an option to give sample csv file with respective form fields in those modules. But in case of Access module, the access rights catalog display target permissions which internally have execution plan to have task form associated with them. In the access catalog, each target permission will have different execution plan with different task form configured. So it is not possible to provide a single csv file format as a sample in Access module. This is the reason that the sample csv file option is hidden there.