Issue in VIP-AuthHub Adminui Access where Not able to login to AuthHub Admin console with the below Error message observed .
Logs shows the following message --> Failed to resolve Id Store of any type with ID 'xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx'"
This can be caused due to a mismatch with the Dir ldapConfigId and the idStoreToBeUsed setting under tenant.
Please follow the below steps to check the configuration:
1) Execute the API call to check the LDAP configs --> https://{{sspHost}}/{{apiPathTenant}}/admin/v1/LDAPconfigs , you will be looking specifically for ldapConfigId
2) then run the Tenant settings --> https://{{sspHost}}/{{apiPathTenant}}/admin/v1/Configs to make sure idStoreToBeUsed is pointing to the same value as the ldapConfigId
In this scenario, there was a mismatch between what is in ldapConfigId and what is set within idStoreToBeUsed due to an admin recreating the User Store and not updating the setting.
To fix the issue, you will need to run a PATCH on https://{{sspHost}}/{{apiPathTenant}}/admin/v1/Configs to update the tenant settings and set the idStoreToBeUsed to the same value listed in ldapConfigId