How do I move licences from my Parent organization to my child organization when using AppNeta Universal Licensing (AUL).
AppNeta SaaS: 15.23 and newer
As of APM release 15.23 - You no longer need to move licenses between your child and parent organization, as the licenses are now lent out to child organizations.
You can check your Licensing by clicking the Gear Icon in the top right, and selecting Manage Licensing (with admin privileges)
Viewing the Manage License page shows BOTH parent and child monitoring points.
As the licenses are now lent out to child organizations, check total availability in your parent organization.
All subscriptions are held in your parent organization. Monitoring Points and add-on applications in the parent organization and all child organizations consume licenses from the parent organization’s license pool. There is no longer any need to manually transfer licenses from a parent organization to a child organization before they can be used there.
If you use all the licenses in your license pool, you are not prevented from connecting additional Monitoring Points or creating additional applications but your Organization Admins will be notified by email and on the Manage Licenses page. Additional licenses can be purchased to make up the deficit or unneeded Monitoring Points or application paths can be deleted to free up licenses.
Have a look here for more details on licensing: