The below KB explains the steps to take to configure the Agent SaaS 22.11 onward with Wildfly 27 running domain mode.
- APM SaaS Java Jboss Agent 22.1 and onward versions.
- wildfly-27.0.0.Final.tar.gz
Go to the Wildfly Admin console
Click Runtime
Server Groups
Click “View” for main-server-group
Click JVMs > default > Edit
Add the location of the Agent. Jar to the Agent Agent property. ( NOTE: latest Jboss agent has been improved and configuration simplified)
Click “Save”
Restart the JVM
a) Check that <wildfly-27.0.0.Final>/domain/configuration/domains.xml has been update:
b) check agent logs has been created
c) check agent is report in Metric View and agent naming is working as expected + JMX reporting
Vs. Wildfly console: