Receiving HTTP 403 response on repeated GET requests for
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Receiving HTTP 403 response on repeated GET requests for


Article ID: 255396


Updated On: 10-05-2023


ISG Proxy ProxySG Software - SGOS Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG


You have configured your load balancer or a networking appliance to repeatedly send HTTP GET requests to broadcom domain with a ProxySG appliance configured as the proxy for these requests. You have configured this to determine internet connectivity of your internal network through the ProxySG. 

However, you receive 403 Forbidden HTTP response from the OCS, with the below text as a part of the Line-based text data:

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution.


Internal company network that has access to the internet through explicit or transparent ProxySG. If the load balancer does not get 2xx or 3xx HTTP response to the GET requests to broadcom domain, it presumes that ProxySG is down or it is unable to reach the internet and takes the ProxySG out of the load balancing pool, presuming the fault to be with the ProxySG.


This behavior is expected and is a part of the security solution used by the OCS hosts. Broadcom domain is an informational website & was not designed to be a connectivity test website.


We do not recommend the use of broadcom domain for connectivity tests. Please consult your Internet Service Provider for appropriate tests or websites to determine internet connectivity.