Is the Intertest and Symdump release 11 documentation available in PDF format?
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Is the Intertest and Symdump release 11 documentation available in PDF format?


Article ID: 255368


Updated On:


InterTest - CICS SymDump for CICS InterTest - Batch SymDump Batch


Is there a way to download the Intertest and Symdump release 11 documentation to a desktop in PDF format?




To create a PDF file that contains the Intertest and Symdump r 11 documentation please do the following:

  • Go to the Broadcom web site TECH DOCS Portal
  • Search on product Intertest and select Intertest and Symdump. You will be displayed the latest release of Intertest and Symdump which is release 11 at this time.
  • On the right of the product name INTERTEST AND SYMDUMP 11.0  LEFT click the Icon labeled PDF and documentation is opened in PDF format.
  • On the top of the PDF file you see the page number. Off to the right you see a DOWN ARROW Icon which is to the left of the PRINTER Icon. Left click on the DOWN ARROW and that opens a dialog BOX that allows the PDF file to be saved on the desktop.