FSWRITE error code 13 writing to HiDRO 193 Job/Log disk
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FSWRITE error code 13 writing to HiDRO 193 Job/Log disk


Article ID: 255346


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VM:Backup High-Speed Disaster Recovery Option (HiDRO)


Receiving FSWRITE error code 13 during HiDRO backup job .


 HIDRO    HIDRO:  7651 SYBPRF229O FSWRITE error code=13 on SYSPRINT filUSER    LOG     B



To resolve, we increased HiDRO's 193 from 5 cylinders to 20.   

What could cause the disk utilization to go up?




Release : 2.8


HiDRO 193 Job-Log disk filled up during a backup resulting in FSWRITE error code 13.



Increase the size of HiDRO's 193 Job/Log minidisk to resolve the FSWRITE error.

HiDRO's 193 is the Job/Log disk. When HiDRO is not running any jobs, the disk will be empty.

For jobs that are submitted via SYBMON, the SYSIN file is received to the 193 disk as USER SYSIN. As the job runs, the LG file is written to the 193 as USER LOG. The USER LOG file grows as the job runs. The USER SYSIN file remains the same size, but is updated as the job runs to add a comment character in front of each completed task in the SYSIN file as the job runs.

If a job ABENDs or terminates abnormally, the files remain on the 193 until HiDRO restarts and goes through CheckPoint Restart processing.

Because the 193 disk is used to build the LG file (the USER LOG file on the 193) as the job runs, if numerous I/O errors occur or other things that produce a lot of lines to the LG file it's possible that for a particular job the 193 disk may fill up when it normally does not. 

The other possibility is that this job was some kind of "special" job you ran that has a lot more tasks than your regularly scheduled jobs.