Post 10.1 upgrade we get error The HTTP header line [scope0x0d] does not conform to RFC 7230
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Post 10.1 upgrade we get error The HTTP header line [scope0x0d] does not conform to RFC 7230


Article ID: 255323


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


After upgrading to Gateway 10.1 one application which can not connect to gateway 10.1

The error in the log is 

The HTTP header line [scope0x0d] does not conform to RFC 7230


Release : 10.1


The application was sending a invalid scope header which did not conform to the RFC .

You can tell tomcat to ignore this incorrect headers by setting 

rejectIllegalHeader = false 

in the listen port advanced properties.

The newer tomcat 9.x libraries used in Gateway 10.1 are much more strict in RFC compliancy  as the older 7.x used in older gateway versions.