Restarting SEP service can unintentionally lose the last few lines of rsyslog.conf
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Restarting SEP service can unintentionally lose the last few lines of rsyslog.conf


Article ID: 255295


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


If the rsyslog.conf has Unicode characters, SEP truncate the last few entries from rsyslog.conf file upon SEP services start-stop
Below is the example of end part of rsyslog.conf with comment in Unicode characters.

# サンプルコメント <--- here is Unicode characters
# ### sample forwarding rule ###
 # An on-disk queue is created for this action.
# down, messages are spooled to disk and sent when it is up again.
 #queue.filename="fwdRule1" # unique name prefix for spool files
 #queue.maxdiskspace="1g" # 1gb space limit (use as much as possible)

Upon following below command, and SEP service restart

systemctl restart rsyslog.service

SEP truncates few lines from rsyslog.conf and add some entries for Symantec Host IDS

# ### sample forwarding rule ###
 # An on-disk queue is create <----- The string after this is missing
# The following is required for Symantec Host IDS - Do not edit or remove
*.info;mail.err;mark.none |/var/log/ids_syslog.pipe


14.3 RU5


If the rsyslog.conf has Unicode characters, SEP truncates the last few entries.


A fix for this issue is planned for future release, to work around this issue, do not add Unicode string/comments in rsyslog.conf