When sharing content with other AppNeta users or Technical Support, you can use the share option and the deeplink URL to the exact content on the page.
This is particularly useful when we viewing specific content, or detailed pages.
Depending on the link, you may also find export options as well.
The Share Icon, can be found on many pages throughout the AppNeta portal:
Clicking the link gives you options to share the content, and at times this includes PDFs or CSV exports.
Selecting the Share Link presents a new window. This provides a URL that you can copy and paste to share the screen that you are looking at.
You'll also see the option for deeplinks in Experience paths, as well as Drill Down pages (individual event results in Experience paths):
Again, this has a Share url:
Another useful share options is to export to CSV:
This can be found on Delivery paths, Manage Monitoring Points Page, and also Experiences Web Paths.
Remember that when sharing URL's with other users, they will need access to the AppNeta portal in order to see the content. In the event the user does not have access to the portal, we recommend exporting the content.