Timesheet Audit Trail doesn't show all Approvers when multiple PMs approve via process Action Item
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Timesheet Audit Trail doesn't show all Approvers when multiple PMs approve via process Action Item


Article ID: 255184


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Timesheet Audit Trail doesn't show all Approvers when multiple PMs approve via process Action Item

When a Timesheet approval process required multiple Approvers via a process, the Timesheet Audit Trail only shows the Approved status change of the last person who has completed their Action Item. The Approved By is shown as 'Process Administrator'

1. Create a Process that requires all PM's to approve the timesheet, this is undertaken via Action Items to the PM's.  
2. When all Action Items have been marked as 'Approved', the process then marks the Timesheet as Approved
3. Turn on Timesheet Audit Trail.
4. Create a timesheet which has tasks assigned to at least two projects with different PM's.
5. Submit the timesheet. The process automatically starts in the background.
6. Once the Action Items have been completed, check the Audit Log for this timesheet.

Expected Results: The Status should show 'Process Administrator' as being the user who made the update.  The 'Approved By' would show all PM's who had completed their Action Item, so there would be an Audit of who had approved the timesheet.

Actual Results: The Status is shown in the Audit log as being the last person who has completed their Action Item. The Approved By is shown as 'Process Administrator'



Release : 16.1.0



Engineering have determined that this is not a bug and that Clarity is working as designed.