Required ports, protocols, and services for the SSLv appliance
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Required ports, protocols, and services for the SSLv appliance


Article ID: 255161


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SSL Visibility Appliance Software


You want to know the required ports, protocols, and services for the SSLv appliance.


Depending on your SSLv appliance configuration, you must open certain ports and protocols on your firewalls for the appliance to function as intended, to use enabled features, or to allow connectivity to various components and data centers. This document presents basic configurations and some commonly used options. 

Required Ports, Protocols, and Services
SSL Visibility uses the following ports while operating. Ensure that you allow these ports when setting up SSL Visibility.

Inbound Connections to SSL Visibility
Table: Inbound Connections

Component  Port Protocol  Configurable  Source Description
WebUI Admin GUI 8082 HTTPS TCP No User client Management Interface WebUI service
SSH Admin CLI 22 TCP No User client SSH Admin CLI service
Symantec/Blue Coat License 443 HTTPS No License server Symantec/Blue Coat license service
SNMP management 161 UDP No User client SNMP agent for SNMP management access
NTP 123 UDP No NTP server NTP time synchronization service
Remote Diagnostics Facility (RDF) 2024 TCP No RDF Can be opened for support requests; normally closed

Outbound Connections to SSL Visibility
Table: Outbound Connections

Component  Port Protocol  Configurable Source Description
SMTP/Secure SMTP 25, 465, 587, 525, 2526 * TCP
Yes SMTP server SMTP alerts
Syslog 514, 601 *
514 *
TLS (3x)
Yes Syslog server Remote syslog server
Note: There are two syslog connections: one for the system log and one for the session log.
No DNS server Domain Name System service
SNMP Trap 162 UDP No SNMP Trap receiver SNMP traps
Host Categorization (BCWF) 443 HTTPS No Symantec Host categorization database
TACACS+ 49 TCP Yes TACACS server TACACS+ authentication
NTP 123 UDP No NTP server list Synchronization to customer-configured NTP server
Diagnostics Upload 443 HTTPS No Symantec Diagnostics upload service

Required URLs
Ensure connectivity from SSL Visibility to the following URLs.

URL  Port Protocol Description 443 HTTPS TCP Symantec CA
* 443 HTTPS TCP License, validation, and subscription services 80 HTTP TCP Trust package downloads
443 HTTPS TCP Upload diagnostic reports to Symantec support



Additional Information

For an index of ports and protocols articles, refer to the following article: Required ports, protocols, and services for Broadcom appliances.

For details about earlier versions and legacy products, see the PDF document Required Ports, Protocols, and Services for Symantec Enterprise Security Products.