After upgrading Information Centric Analytics (ICA) to 6.5.4 MP1, the Calculate Risk Scores step of the RiskFabric Processing job fails on one or more risk vectors because certain risk vectors were not converted to JSON for use with the EXECUTE_AT MDX Scoper Execution Method, which setting is enabled in the ICA console under Admin > Settings > General > Advanced Settings.
The following command is used to manually sync risk vectors:
RiskFabric.CommandR.exe SyncAnalyzerObjects <connectionStringRFDatabase> RiskVector
One or more risk vectors fail to sync, however:
2022-08-29 15:34:46,928 [1:ERROR] DALException.SaveLog() System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 1, current count = 0.
2022-08-29 15:34:47,162 [1:ERROR] RiskVectorSyncer.SyncAllWithCubeView() RiskVector 8de19ecd-2f2f-429f-80da-bca426ea1b16 sync had errors.
Release : 6.5.4
Component : Risk Vectors
Beginning in 6.5.4 MP1, risk vector definitions are wrapped in JSON to circumvent the hardcoded OPENQUERY string length limitation of 8000 characters that previously caused the Calculate Risk Scores processing step to fail when risk vector definitions included a large number of filters. Risk vectors should be converted at the time ICA is upgraded to MP1; however, some risk vectors fail to convert and synchronize because their definitions include excessive filter selections. The upper limit of the number of filter selections is not known at this time.
Re-design the affected risk vector(s) in such a way that filter selections roll-up to an aggregate value or category that can be used as a single filter selection. This may require the assistance of professional services.