An Easytrieve IMS job abended by resource contention between Easytrieve IMS jobs.
IEC161I 052(013,EASYD)-084,EASYM,
013 CRTSKWR - Opening for output, SHR=2,x. Some ACB
already opened the data set for output.
Other Easytrieve programs use a same DB and the PSB has PROCOPT=AP ( A - All Access, P - Path Call )
Is there a way around this problem in the Easytrieve function?
Easytrieve Plus Report Generator, release 6.4
It's happening due to PROCOPT=AP.
There is no way around this problem in the Easytrieve function.
The workaround can be
Try new PSB to change to read only PROCOPT, for safety reasons
Prevent the jobs running in parallel, eg. schedule them in single thread class.