Trying to use a PX Policy Soap Query in Identity Manager to make a TEWS call into IM fails with HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR
All Identity Manager
There is a mismatch between the SOAP Version which can be either version 1.1 or version 1.2 and the value specified in the SOAP request for the soap envelope.
When using SOAP version 1.1 the soap envelope value should reference "" but when using SOAP version 1.2 the soap envelope value should instead reference "" instead.
This is an example using SOAP 1.1 that will do simple query for the task status for the TASK ID specified. You need to use a proper WSDL URL, admin_id and admin_password, and proper TaskID value for your environment. Any fields not specified below are to be left empty. You can just click on the TEST button on the PX Policy configuration page to verify the below request works for you.
PX Policy type=UI
Data Element Name: TEWS Call Using SOAP 1.2
Category: Data Sources
Type: SOAP Base Query
Function: Anonymous Auth Get
WSDL URL: http://HOST:PORT/iam/im/TEWS6/identityEnv?wsdl
SOAP Version: 1.1
SOAP Request Message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<TaskContext xmlns="http://tews6/wsdl">
<admin_password>PASSWORD</admin_password> </TaskContext>
<TaskStatusSearch xmlns="http://tews6/wsdl">
<Filter index="0">
This is an example using SOAP 1.2 that will do simple query for the task status for the TASK ID specified. You need to use a proper WSDL URL, admin_id and admin_password, and proper TaskID value for your environment. Any fields not specified below are to be left empty. You can just click on the TEST button on the PX Policy configuration page to verify the below request works for you.
PX Policy type=UI
Data Element Name: TEWS Call Using SOAP 1.2
Category: Data Sources
Type: SOAP Base Query
Function: Anonymous Auth Get
WSDL URL: http://HOST:PORT/iam/im/TEWS6/identityEnv?wsdl
SOAP Version: 1.2
SOAP Request Message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<TaskContext xmlns="http://tews6/wsdl">
<admin_password>PASSWORD</admin_password> </TaskContext>
<TaskStatusSearch xmlns="http://tews6/wsdl">
<Filter index="0">