Policy for comparing policies on 2 different api gateway cluster nodes
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Policy for comparing policies on 2 different api gateway cluster nodes


Article ID: 255038


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


Do you have any scripts or policies for comparing 2 gateway clusters or 2 policies to see if they match?


Release : 10.1


1) Most obvious Policy Manager visual compare.

2) Export via policy manager or restman (the outputs are XML) You can simply diff or use notepad++ or similar tool to create a diff of the xml.

3) We have a tool that is still being developed called Graphman which is a varied version of RESTMAN. When this becomes generally available it can make a md5 of each policy and you tell if they are identical or need further review.

Additional Information

Graphman is available as an experimental feature in 11 and 10.1 CR03 versions of the Gateway. Please review the documentation for more information:

Gateway 11: https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/layer7-api-management/api-gateway/11-0/release-notes/gateway-non-ga-features.html

Gateway 10.1 CR03: https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/layer7-api-management/api-gateway/10-1/release-notes/gateway-non-ga-features.html