The SQL bcp command to MDB database table 'gent_#########_######' running from Scalalbility Server
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The SQL bcp command to MDB database table 'gent_#########_######' running from Scalalbility Server


Article ID: 255029


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


The following log was found in the Event Viewer Sysmon log records after each restart on a Scalability
Server. There is a clear text password in the log.

"cmd" /c bcp mdb.ca_itrm.gent_1491836076_20976 in "D:\CA\DSM\Bin\bulk_gent_149183076_20976.dat" 
-w -s <DomainManagerName -U ca_itrm -P <ClearTextPassword> -o "%%TEMP%%\TRC_BulkSQLServer_Output.log" 
-e "%%TEMP%%\TRC_BulkSQLServer_Error.log"


Release : 14.0 and above


The bcp command is a database backup method by using SQL Server function issue by the Client Automation


In case of the Scalability Server there's a Engine installed and this engine is responsible to run a bulk copy 
to the MDB database table 'gent_#########_######'. So, in order to stop the bcp (bulk copy) command 
remove any collect tasks running by this engine, then stop it:

1. On the DM go to DSM Explorer > <db_server_name> - Domain > Control Panel > Engines >
All Engines >
2. You should find an engine related to that scalability server named <ss_server_name>_Engine,
then select it.
3. In the right side bottom, unlink the tasks listed (click on red X).
4. With the Task List empty, Stop Engine.
5. Select a local DM engine (not SystemEngine) under All Engines.
6. Click in Link Existing Task, then select the collect tasks removed from the <ss_server_name>_Engine.
7. Wait for a time, then the moved collect tasks will start performing in the local DM engine selected.
8. Verify if the bcp processes stop on the scalability server.