Installing VIP AuthHub, the following event log the line shows up:
ssp-myinstance-ssp-datas-job-bk Nov 24, 2022, 11:14 AM
Generated from kubelete on
Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[mydb], unattached volumes=[kube keys-mek keys-sik keys-ssl tmp-volume bootstrapmetadata mydb jks]: timed out waiting for the condition
At first glance, this might be caused by a stale volume (1).
Remove the stale volumeattachement mydb (1).
Kubernetes – Kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes – timed out waiting for the condition
Some where along the line I found some stale volumeattachments
linked to Kubernetes node that no longer exist in my cluster
[...omitted for brevity...]
The fix is to remove the stale VolumeAttachment.