Toggling Mac Web and Cloud access from the Network panel affects connectivity
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Toggling Mac Web and Cloud access from the Network panel affects connectivity


Article ID: 254961


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


Web and Cloud Access is designed to be toggled on and off from Symantec Endpoint Protection > Advanced > Web and Cloud Access Protection > Web and Cloud Access Protection toggle. If you visit the macOS System > Network Preference Panel> SEP Web and Cloud Access Tunnel and use the toggle for the VPN from here the UI may show connected even when it is not.


SEP 14.3 RU6
Web and Cloud Access


The feature is not designed to be operated from the Mac System settings. Toggling the feature off from the SEP UI and then on via the System > Network preference panel is unsupported and will cause the tunnel not to be re-connected.


Use Symantec Endpoint Protection > Web and Cloud Access Protection for enabling and disabling the VPN.

Additional Information

MDM users should not have access to this location.