Timesheet Reminder not generating alerts in modern ux
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Timesheet Reminder not generating alerts in modern ux


Article ID: 254959


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


As a timesheet approver, send reminders to a specific user or to all users who have not submitted their timesheet. Users are expected to get the notifications alert in the modern ux. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Login to Clarity as Timesheet Approver 
  2. Navigate to Timesheet MUX --> Review and Approve 
  3. Search for a user with open timesheet and click on Bell Icon to send a reminder
  4. As a user who is expected to receive the reminder should get an alert
  5. Ensure the user has configured notifications and enabled alerts 

Expected Results: The user should get an alert in modern ux bell icon as soon as reminder is sent 

Actual Results: The user doesn't get any alerts in modern ux, rather user can see those alerts can be seen in Classic Clarity --> Organizer --> Notifications 


Release : 16.1.0


This is caused by DE67485


A new feature has been implemented in 16.3.0

Notification preferences have been implemented from Modern UX User Settings --> Notifications, with a new Functional Area for "Timesheets"

When a user enables Alerts for Timesheet Notifications, Timesheet notifications will delivered to the Bell in the Modern UX