ERROR: XCOMU0297E with RV of 131 or 146
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ERROR: XCOMU0297E with RV of 131 or 146


Article ID: 254918


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


After upgrade from R11.6 SP00 to R11.6 SP01, we can send files outbound, but received the following messages for any incoming transfers to the Solaris server:

Servers are Solaris 10

XCOMU0297E Error requesting header confirmation: Txpi  227: Socket received 0 bytes: partner closed socket. Last error: 0
#XCOMU0298E Unable to allocate remote transaction program: Txpi  211: Socket connect error return value = 146

With a loopback transfer on Solaris, the following message was received:

XCOMU0297E Error requesting header confirmation:  Txpi 217:  Socket receive error return value = 131


  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for UNIX/Linux PC
  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for Sun Solaris 11.6


After upgrading the soft links were not present and the inetd configuration of txpi was still pointing to the old path of /usr/lib/xcom/xcomtcp instead of /opt/CA/XCOM/bin/xcomtcp.


Message "XCOMU0297E Error requesting header confirmation:  Txpi 217:  Socket receive error return value = 131" helped in determining what can cause the problem. Here are the different things to review:

  1. Soft links are present for XCOM - if not you want to execute the script
  2. Review the inetd configuration for the XCOM txpi, txpis, txpi6, txpi6s to make sure you have the correct path for "xcomtcp". 
  3. Make sure that a firewall is not blocking the port
  4. Network

In this case the problem was resolved after checking the inetd configuration. The following commands were issued:

inetadm -l /network/txpis/tcp
inetadm -m /network/txpi/tcp exec="/opt/CA/XCOM/bin/xcomtcp REMOTE 0"

That was because the path was incorrect since the soft links were not present after the upgrade.