Is it possible to use the ADS/O WRITE PRINTER to send the output directly to the JES spool?
Release : 19.0
To send a report to a printer destination known to JES but not defined to VTAM so it can be defined as a VTAM printer to IDMS, define a SYSOUTL line.
the DDNAME specified on the SYSOUTL line should be defined in the CV startup JCL. Here is an example
The DEST USMTLRPB is a printer known to JES.
Another example that has been used for reports sent to a JES class handled by the DISPATCH product is:
//ddname DD SYSOUT=(x,writername),FREE=CLOSE,DEST=distdest,
ddname - the ddname asigned to the SYSOUTL LINE definition
x - The JES Sysout Class that has been defined as the Dispatch Class
writername - a "report name" that is defined to Dispatch
distdest - destination name that has been defined to Dispatch
Reports sent to this DDname will not be written until the CV job ends, but many clients have used an EXIT21 to dynamically close/reallocate/reopen the
sysout DCB to force the completion of the report and make it available for Dispatch to pick up.
a Sample EXIT21 for this purpose is attached to this Knowledge document.