Does Zowe support network DVIPA setup so requests can route among several LPARs to implement high-availability?
Can field externalDomains be used to create a new dvipa hostname instead of the target system hostname?
It's recommended to use INFINISPAN on z/OS, is that true? Is there any limitation on this comparing to VSAM?
What are the other configuration settings?
Release : 4.0
Yes, Zowe has a high-availability feature, here is an overview on TechDocs site, and the DVIPA configuration example specifically.
Basically, to enable this feature a Sysplex must be configured.
Fill in the haInstances section in your Zowe YAML configuration, and ensure that a proper storage method for Caching Service (VSAM or infinispan) is enabled.
z/OSMF HA configuration is recommended, but optional.
The externalDomains value would be the DVIPA domain name defined in Sysplex Distributor in case of Sysplex deployment.
Just make sure that this hostname is specified in your certificates as well.
The INFINISPAN option has a better performance compared to VSAM, however, VSAM is also suitable for HA setup.
VSAM is only supported on Z. INFINISPAN is both an off-Z and Z solution, and it is mainly intended for z/OS.
There is currently no known limitations related to the INFINISPAN configuration.