Saved filters on an OBS Unit in custom objects no filtering automatically
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Saved filters on an OBS Unit in custom objects no filtering automatically


Article ID: 254854


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Saved Filter on OBS Units in Custom objects in Classic PPM does not automatically filter down the data

A saved filter on an OBS Unit does not work for custom objects while it works well for OOTB objects 

1. Go to Administration > Studio > Objects
2. Create a new master object called MyObject
3. Go to Administration > Organization and Access > OBS
4. Open any existing OBS and associate the object created to the OBS
5. Go to Home > Custom Objects > MyObject List
6. Create an instance and associate it to OBS X
7. Create a second instance and associate it to OBS Y
8. Through the Configure wheel add the OBS Unit filed to the filter section
9. Select OBS X on the OBS Unit and filter
10. The correct result is filtered down.
11. Click on Save Filter and save the filter
12. Move to the system default filter and come back to the one we just saved.
13. Note the OBS Unit X is selected

Expected Results: The resultset to match the filtered OBS criteria
Actual results: No filtering has been done. You must click on Filter for the OBS to apply


This is caused by DE67463


Targeted to be fixed in 16.1.1