Attempts to install Protection Engine for MS Sharepoint failed with return code1603
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Attempts to install Protection Engine for MS Sharepoint failed with return code1603


Article ID: 254836


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Protection for SharePoint Servers


When attempting to install SEP from Sharepoint, shortly after launching the main install EXE, the program would suddenly abort.  The Windows event logs showed that the program aborted with an MSI 1603 error. This error isn't particularly useful. All it means is that there was a catastrophic failure.


Release : 6.1.2


The installation files and folders were copied to the computer via an RDP session. It  was eventually noticed that the folder the install file was sitting in was about 1/5 the size as the original it came from. Apparently some of the files and folders never made it over so the install program had no way to call the support modules needed.


Zipping up the original install point, copying it to the server, extracting and verifying integrity-- was successful. The ensuing install attempt was successful.