I am running list --t ssgconnnector and I get the following message:
Execution failed. Reason: No bean named 'SSGCONNECTORBeanTypeEntityResource' available
Release : 10.1
Wrong type was used
To get a list of listening ports the type is SSG_CONNECTOR not ssgconnnector
>GMU.bat list --trustCertificate --argFile args/gw.properties -t SSG_CONNECTOR
Warning: TLS server certificate check has been disabled
9dcce9bebabe1c90aea18e9fdf7a2afc My8282
9dcce9bebabe1c90aea18e9fdf847bb2 Port-7443
b59592568bc76e63954f728838991b5c Default HTTPS (8443)
b59592568bc76e63954f728838991b5f Default HTTP (8080)
b59592568bc76e63954f728838991b62 Default HTTPS (9443)
b59592568bc76e63954f728838991b65 Node HTTPS (2124)