Unable to load the report to the SCRT portal: IBM validation failed.
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Unable to load the report to the SCRT portal: IBM validation failed.


Article ID: 254754


Updated On: 08-27-2024




Unable to upload the report to the Broadcom SCRT portal.

This error is seen: IBM validation failed. See the Frequently Asked Questions in the online help.


Comma in the LPAR_Comment  field.


  • Normally this error indicates that one of the not-able-to-be-modified fields in the generated ISV SCRT report has been manually modified after generation which triggers the validation routine to reject it.

  • Another possible problem is to be found in the CAISCRT7: LPAR_Comment  field.

    • The LPAR_Comment was added to the VALIDATION_CODE during the ISV SCRT report generation by the scrtv282 program in the CAISCRT JCL and then it was not accepted by the validation program in the scrt.broadcom.com site

    • The validator specifically doesn't like comma characters (,) in the comment.  This could be because it is a comma separated value file, IBM's validator is parsing this as an "end of value" even though it is within quotations and simply part of the value

    • The resolution is to remove any commas from the LPAR_Comment

    • When specifying a comment in an INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statement that includes a comma, the comma is replaced with a space. It seems as though the comma remains a comma only in the LPAR_Comment field, and it seems as though the VALIDATION_CODE is generated incorrectly because of it

    • Note that a comment can be manually added to the SCRT report after generation in the same field WITH a comma and validate fine. This is why we believe it to be a bug in the SCRT report generation tool, and not the SCRT validation tool

    • Redo the reports accordingly removing the commas from the LPAR Comment field and try loading them again