WCC Install errors
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WCC Install errors


Article ID: 254743


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


We have successfully installed EEM on the Linux machines and are trying to install WCC on the same machines and are getting the following error:

System's temporary directory = /opt/CA/ca_tmp
Exiting with exit code: 10008. final log file name=/opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/Logs/AutoSys_Workload_Automation_Install_11_21_2022_16_58_54.log
====================STDOUT ENTRIES==================

Logger file create under :/tmp/cawa_installer.log
(X) commiting registry
(X) shutting down service manager
(X) cleaning up temporary directories


Our machine details version is :

Linux 4.18.0-305.28.1.el8_4.x86_64 #1 SMP  x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Please let us know what is required for 12.0 01.00

Also receiving the following messages in the cawa_installer.log file:

2022-11-21 16:51:28,462 [main] INFO  com.ca.wla.ae.installer.customaction.InstallationModeDetector - Finding the globalVars details on machine.
2022-11-21 16:51:28,462 [main] INFO  com.ca.wla.ae.installer.customaction.InstallationModeDetector - Value of autosys globalVars environment variable: /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE
2022-11-21 16:51:28,462 [main] DEBUG com.ca.wla.ae.installer.util.FileUtil - Does file exists?/opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/autosys/globalVars : true
2022-11-21 16:51:28,462 [main] INFO  com.ca.wla.ae.installer.customaction.InstallationModeDetector - Reading the globalVars file at path - /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/autosys/globalVars
2022-11-21 16:51:28,462 [main] INFO  com.ca.wla.ae.installer.customaction.InstallationModeDetector - java.library.path  : /opt/CA/ca_tmp/install.dir.2880104/Linux/resource/jre/lib/amd64/compressedrefs:/opt/CA/ca_tmp/install.dir.2880104/Linux/resource/jre/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib
2022-11-21 16:51:28,466 [main] INFO  com.ca.wla.ae.installer.customaction.InstallationModeDetector - Installer product version: 12010 Detected product version: 12010
2022-11-21 16:51:28,466 [main] DEBUG com.ca.wla.ae.installer.customaction.InstallationModeDetector - Creating createComponentDetailsMap.
2022-11-21 16:51:28,466 [main] DEBUG com.ca.wla.ae.installer.customaction.InstallationModeDetector - Detected R12 comps:{}
2022-11-21 16:51:28,466 [main] INFO  com.ca.wla.ae.installer.customaction.InstallationModeDetector - The globalVars file does not contain any components entry, returning invalid mode from here.
2022-11-21 16:51:28,466 [main] DEBUG com.ca.wla.ae.installer.customaction.InstallationModeDetector - Detected components ={}


Release : 12.0


Since EEM was installed on this machine, need to go to the /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/autosys and verify that the following entry is in the globalVars file:


It was missing. Backed up the globalVars file. Then added the above entry in the globalVars file. Ran the install.bin and WCC successfully installed.