Rally: Feature Template With Stories Not Creating Stories when used - "User Stories" of the template "Template 6" could not be applied because of required fields
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Rally: Feature Template With Stories Not Creating Stories when used - "User Stories" of the template "Template 6" could not be applied because of required fields


Article ID: 254728


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Rally SaaS


When using a template for a Feature with Stories, the Feature and the stories on the feature required fields that were populated correctly when the template was created. When I try to apply the template, I get this message. I don't understand since the required fields in the template were set correctly.

And Idea why this happens?

  • "User Stories" of the template "Template 6" could not be applied because of required fields


Release :SAAS


Custom mandatory fields in the user story are not captured in the template


Please keep in mind that this is not considered a defect.

Any Rally Template supports three child item fields: Name, Description, and Notes. If additional fields on a story are set to mandatory, the user should still receive a warning flare about the needed fields because they will not be set.

So, if you have a custom mandatory field in the user story that the template does not recognize (other than name, description, and notes), the user story is not created using this template.