Error: Calculated attribute exceeds the system-defined constraints
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Error: Calculated attribute exceeds the system-defined constraints


Article ID: 254636


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


If you have a calculated attribute and for some reason the value becomes too large you may see the error:  Calculated attribute exceeds the system defined constraints.

The related fields then become un-editable and cannot be fixed.






Release : All Supported Clarity Version 


To allow the associated fields to be edited so the value will calculate correctly

  • Go to the specific object and calculated attribute
  • Copy the current formula so you can put it back when done
  • Use the formula Absolute with a constant = 1
    • Generate it.  You may have to remove the original formula first if it repopulate
  • Validate and Save and Return
  • Go to the page with the bad value.
  • You should now be able to edit the fields as the calculation now = 1
  • Once you enter the correct amounts
  • Go back to the Object attribute and change the formula back, Validate Save and Return

Additional Information

Note: Please ensure to have the datatype and decimals same as per source attributes