Not able to deactivate some objects
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Not able to deactivate some objects


Article ID: 254615


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


Some objects still appear in the Process Monitoring page after being manually deactivated with the option 'forced'.

The following error appears in the log:

20221027/033418.147 - U00003591 UCUDB - DB error info: OPC: 'OCIStmtExecute' Return code: 'ERROR'
20221027/033418.147 - U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '' Native error: '1' Msg: 'ORA-00001: unique constraint (AUTOMIC.PK_ACV) violated'

When running a trace (tcp/ip=2, db=4) the following message appears in the trace file:

20221027/033416.787 - JPEXEC_R       RCV DEACT  frm AUTOMIC#WP033               MQWP   MsgID: 0070156462 c-acv: 00000000
20221027/033416.788 -  STRT UCUMIGR    OPC: 00002
20221027/033416.788 -  EXIT UCUMIGR    RET: 0000000000 TIME: 0000,00000 RETTEXT=' '
20221027/033416.788 - U00009909 TRACE: (BINDPAR: EH_AH_Idnr    )                     0x7eff7714c5f4 000004
                00000000 5C855C1E               >\…\.509379932
20221027/033416.794 - INSERT INTO ACV (ACV_AH_Idnr, ACV_VName, ACV_Type, ACV_Encrypted, ACV_Connection, ACV_Key, ACV_Value) SELECT ECV_AH_Idnr, ECV_VName, ECV_Type, ECV_Encrypted, ECV_Connection, ECV_Key, ECV_Value FROM ECV WHERE ECV_AH_Idnr = ?
20221027/033418.140 - U00003524 UCUDB: ===> Time critical DB call\!    OPC: 'EXEC' time: '1:346.341.999'
20221027/033418.140 - U00003525 UCUDB: ===> 'INSERT INTO ACV (ACV_AH_Idnr, ACV_VName, ACV_Type, ACV_Encrypted, ACV_Connection, ACV_Key, ACV_Value) SELECT ECV_AH_Idnr, ECV_VName, ECV_Type, ECV_Encrypted, ECV_Connection, ECV_Key, ECV_Value FROM ECV WHERE ECV_AH_Idnr = ?'
20221027/033418.140 - UCUDB32 EXEC RET 0000 HSTMT: 0x000000038cd420 VALUE: 0xffffffffffff8de4 ALL: 1.34634 DB: 1.34624 ODBC: 0.00002 UDB: 0.00009
20221027/033418.141 - U00009909 TRACE: (BINDPAR: ECV_AH_Idnr    )                     0x7eff77b70b1c 000004
                00000000 5C855C1E               >\…\.509379932<
20221027/033418.141 - INSERT INTO ACV (ACV_AH_Idnr, ACV_VName, ACV_Type, ACV_Encrypted, ACV_Connection, ACV_Key, ACV_Value) SELECT ECV_AH_Idnr, ECV_VName, ECV_Type, ECV_Encrypted, ECV_Connection, ECV_Key, ECV_Value FROM ECV WHERE ECV_AH_Idnr = ?
20221027/033418.147 - U00029108 UCUDB: SQL_ERROR  Database handles DB-HENV: 237c1d0 DB-HDBC: 23f9590
20221027/033418.147 - U00003591 UCUDB - DB error info: OPC: 'OCIStmtExecute' Return code: 'ERROR'
20221027/033418.147 - U00003592 UCUDB - Status: '' Native error: '1' Msg: 'ORA-00001: unique constraint (AUTOMIC.PK_ACV) violated'
20221027/033418.147 - U00003594 UCUDB Ret: '2' opcode: 'EXEC' SQL Stmnt: 'INSERT INTO ACV (ACV_AH_Idnr, ACV_VName, ACV_Type, ACV_Encrypted, ACV_Connection, ACV_Key, ACV_Value) SELECT ECV_AH_Idnr, ECV_VName, ECV_Type, ECV_Encrypted, ECV_Connection, ECV_Key, ECV_Value FROM ECV WHERE ECV_AH_Idnr = ?'
20221027/033418.147 - UCUDB32 EXEC RET 0002 HSTMT: 0x000000038cd420 VALUE:      (nil) ALL: 0.00609 DB: 0.00590 ODBC: 0.00002 UDB: 0.00018

We see that the same insert into ACV is repeated twice: the first time 36324 records are inserted (hex 8de4) but the second time it fails (RET 0002). Because of this, the change is not committed and deactivation fails.


Release : 12.3 / 21.0


Due to a hardcoded limit of 32767 (hex 7fff), the insert is looping.



Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.

Fix version:

Component(s): Automation Engine


Automation.Engine 21.0.5 - Available