after upgrading Infrastructure Manager to the new version that comes with UIM 20.4 CU5, Dr NimBUS fails to log in successfully
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after upgrading Infrastructure Manager to the new version that comes with UIM 20.4 CU5, Dr NimBUS fails to log in successfully


Article ID: 254524


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Usually when DrNimBUS launces in the CU4 and older world, it would use the credentials from an existing IM session. It wouldn't work to launch DrNimBUS prior to IM because supplying the credentials via the Dr NimBUS login GUI would always fail.


Now with CU5 it seems not to pick up the credentials from IM and so it isn't possible (apparently) to launch the tool.


Is there a way around this or to launch dr nimbus in a way that the supplied credentials will work?


Release : 20.4


This is being investigated as a defect; it appears mostly to be related to an expired certificate on the executable. A new version of DrNimbus is expected in the first quarter of 2023.

The following workarounds may allow you to launch DrNimbus successfully:


1. Disable UAC (User Account Control) in Windows.
1b. Alternately, right-click and "Run as Administrator" on C:\Program Files(x86)\Nimsoft\bin\drnimbus.exe while IM is open in the background

OR, if this is not possible, the following may work:

2. open a command prompt on the IM client and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\bin\ and then launch DrNimbus as follows, where is the IP address of the hub to connect to:

drnimbus.exe -c192.0.2.1

If all else fails you may reinstall the previous version of IM which will also reinstall the previous version of DrNimbus.  Contact support if you require assistance.