UX uploading attachment error: Error writing file xxxxx to file system
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UX uploading attachment error: Error writing file xxxxx to file system


Article ID: 254513


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When trying to upload an attachment to a single project I get the following error:

Error writing file xxxxx to file system

The app-ca.log reports a duplicate insert error message:

Caused by: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: [CA Clarity][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'niku.CLB_DMS_FOLDERS' with unique index 'CLB_DMS_FOLDERS_UK3'. The duplicate key value is (5359007, Projects).
                at com.ca.clarity.jdbc.sqlserverbase.ddco.a(Unknown Source)
                at com.ca.clarity.jdbc.sqlserverbase.ddco.b(Unknown Source)


Entry to be inserted already exists


Run the following select to confirm the record exists:

Note the parameters are taken from the log file

select * from clb_dms_folders

where assoc_obj_id = 5359007 and assoc_obj_type = 'Projects';

If so, delete the record from the table.

Delete from clb_dms_folders

where assoc_obj_id = 5359007 and assoc_obj_type = 'Projects';