DB Connection Exception: IO Error: Got minus one from a read call
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DB Connection Exception: IO Error: Got minus one from a read call


Article ID: 254445


Updated On: 09-29-2023


CA Workload Automation DE


CA Workload Automation DSeries is experiencing intermittent connection problems with our database. The trace log shows the following: 

20221112 13:18:43.653 [relationaldatabase] [ERROR] DM: [2022-11-12_13:18:43.653] Exception: IO Error: Got minus one from a read call
java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Got minus one from a read call
        at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(T4CConnection.java:854) ~[ojdbc8.jar:]



Release : 12.3


The "Got minus one from a read call" message points to the problem being related to max-sessions/session settings on the app and database servers.



Restarting the application and database servers may resolve this problem. However, it is recommended to review the suggestions below to ensure this does not occur at a later point in time. 


DSeries/Application Server

From the application server perspective, these are the relevant configuration settings: 

  • database.maxconnections.in.pool
  • database.connection.idle.flush.threshold


You can find the current value of these settings in the beginning lines of the tracelog. If you need to adjust either of these settings you can do so using: 

  • cd <DE_installdir>/bin
  • ./setdbparm.bat database.maxconnections.in.pool


  • cd <DE_installdir>/bin
  • ./setdbparm.bat database.connection.idle.flush.threshold


Please review the Idle Connections section in Database Requirements page. It offers a database.connection.idle.flush.threshold recommendation/consideration. 


Database Server

From a database perspective, please work with your DBA to determine max-session settings, current session connections, interruptions, errors and whether or not there are any other influencing factors like (such as Process limits, operating system configuration/limits, etc..).