DCS legacy RHEL agent lost communication after upgrade of DCS Management Server to version 6.9.2 or 6.9.3
Article ID: 254412
Updated On:
Data Center Security Server Advanced
After DCS Management Server upgrade to version 6.9.2 or 6.9.3, the DCS legacy Agent installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS changed the status to offline in the UMC.
Communication test with sisipsconfig.sh -t shows the results as below:
Could not connect to server: CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR. Your target port may be pointing to an IIS Server and not the SCSP Mgmt Server.
Release : 6.9.2
After upgrade to 6.9.2 server.xml protocols and ciphers were updated and legacy RHEL5 can't communicate as result.
If you require DCS Legacy 5.2.9 Agents to communicate with DCS Management Server the following changes are required SSS-Agent-Service service name in server.xml located under {install drive}:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Data Center Security Server\Server\tomcat\conf