I am unable to create or update a baseline on a specific project as I get a system error.
Other projects are fine. It is instance specific
app-ca.log file states;
select distinct i.id,i.code,i.name,h.parent_id,b.id revision_id,
(select count(prid) from prsubproject where prrefprojectid=i.id and prisreadonly=0) as numRW ,
(select prisreadonly from prsubproject s, prtask t where s.prrefprojectid=i.id and s.prtaskid = t.prid and t.prprojectid =h.parent_id ) as readWriteStatus
from inv_flat_hierarchies fh,inv_hierarchies h,inv_investments i
left outer join prj_baselines b on i.id=b.project_id and b.code='Baseline1' and b.object_type='PROJECT'
where fh.parent_id = 11058791
and fh.child_id <> fh.parent_id
and i.id = fh.child_id
and h.child_id = i.id
and h.parent_id is not null
Error message: [CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
The subprojects were duplicated on the PRSUBPROJECT table
Remove/readd the master project hierarchy