./SYMCScan/installer: error while loading shared libraries: libicudata.so.67: cannot open shared object file when fapolicyd is enabled
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./SYMCScan/installer: error while loading shared libraries: libicudata.so.67: cannot open shared object file when fapolicyd is enabled


Article ID: 254359


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


When installing Protection Engine 8.2.2 on RedHat Linux, you may encounter an error if fapolicyd is enabled and not Permissive.


FAPolicy will prevent the use of our provided shared libraries by default. In order to work around this, we need to edit a configuration file.


1.  Add following lines in "/etc/fapolicyd/rules.d/41-shared-obj.rules" file

#Entries for Symantect protection engine installer - start
allow perm=open all : sha256hash=17cb87f8f3a9400d0a36290bb1658721a558a3e6a19cbf8d129c7997e18be0af
allow perm=open all : sha256hash=3f6dc436ad0b9dc0bc9999f1ffd5ab6b00a5224d41c036398ad789e76c0ef79b
allow perm=open all : sha256hash=b4be2c9b39d04e954bfa247d07f7e0443aa284fcd5e232d270a4feb51a918ab9

NOTE: Make sure you add these lines above the already existing entries in the file 


2. Restart fapolicy service

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