Box shared link is not imported into the DLP incident sharing URL field
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Box shared link is not imported into the DLP incident sharing URL field


Article ID: 254323


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention CASB Securlet SAAS With DLP-CDS Data Loss Prevention Cloud Detection Service for REST


In CloudSOC you can see 2 links for a document in Box that has a shared link.

Shared Link:
Private Link:

DLP does not show this “Shared Link” anywhere so it is hard for the DLP incident reviewer to view in Box.

In the Enforce console, the incident only shows the private link.
The private link is displayed in these two fields:
Sharing URL - In the "File Information (DAR Only)" field.
HTTP URL - In the "Site/Application Details" field.


Release: 15.x, 16


A Feature Request has been submitted asking if the DLP incident "Sharing URL" can be changed to display the CloudSOC "Shared Link".
Or if the CloudSOC "Shared Link" can be added to a new field in the DLP incident.

If you would like this feature, open a support case and ask the Support Engineer to add your company to the existing FR.