++HOLD REASON(RESTART) on PTF LU07917 references incorrect job
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++HOLD REASON(RESTART) on PTF LU07917 references incorrect job


Article ID: 254226


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management


PTF LU07917 incorrectly references SAMPJCL library and  member GSVUAPSM SMPEHLQ.CNM4BSAM (GSVUAPSM) to copy the SMP/E managed directories to the run - time directories.


|     SYSVIEW Performance Management                  Version 17.0     |
|SEQUENCE  | After Apply                                               |
|PURPOSE   | To implement the fix                                      |
|USERS     | All users of the SYSVIEW REST API                         |
|AFFECTED  |                                                           |
|KNOWLEDGE | Product Administration                                    |
|REQUIRED  |                                                           |
|ACCESS    | Product libraries                                         |
|REQUIRED  |                                                           |
                      * STEPS    TO    PERFORM *                        
If you do not run the SYSVAPPS Application Server task, then this HOLD
can be ignored.                                                        
After applying this PTF, the Application Server target directories
will need to be deployed to your sites run-time environment.  Follow
these steps to implement the change:
1.  Stop the SYSVAPPS task (P SYSVAPPS)
2. Deploy the SMP/E managed directories to the run-time directories    
   by running the sysviewhlq.SAMPJCL(MAINT009) sample JCL. Verify      
   it is pointing to the correct /runtime_apps directory
3.Start the SYSVAPPS task (S SYSVAPPS)