Datacom IVP: Batch Ideal using SQL Dataviews (Sample)
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Datacom IVP: Batch Ideal using SQL Dataviews (Sample)


Article ID: 254187


Updated On: 11-11-2022


Datacom Datacom/DB


This article pertains to Batch Ideal programs using SQL Dataviews.

Maybe you have completed your installation of Datacom/DB software, or maybe you just upgraded to the most current version. Now, you want to run some sort of test to make sure the new software works as expected. You can run the supplied Installation Verification Process (IVP) jobs, or you can issue the online DBAC transaction. 

But how do you know that other programs or applications will work? Or do you want to expand your horizons to learn a new programming language?

This article will provide a package that you can download and use to create a similar output of the supplied IVP program, but with the source for another language. The hope is that you can use this to test Datacom functionality with other languages and to have a starting point for developing other applications for your data.

This sample requires database 001 (HUMAN-RESOURCE) to be installed and loaded with the default data.





Please download the attached file for the Batch Ideal using SQL Dataviews program. This is a zip file containing these members:

IBIDS$$$ - README file for this set
IBIDSJC1 - JCL to import, compile, run, and delete the source   
IBIDSPR1 - SOURCE: Ideal program
IBIDSRP1 - SOURCE: Ideal report definition
IBIDSOP1 - Output of program execution 

The last member, above (ending with OP1), is an output execution/report file with records longer than 80 bytes. All other members are 80-byte source files. Please extract the zip file, and upload all source members into a single PDS. If you have downloaded other Datacom IVP samples, you can add these members to that PDS.

Additional Information

Note: The Datacom sample programs are provided free of charge and without support. These sample programs are solely for use by an authorized licensee of the applicable Datacom products ("Licensed Program(s)"), to copy and modify such sample programs solely in conjunction with the internal implementation and use of the Licensed Program(s) in accordance with the terms of the Licensed Program(s) license. These sample programs are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.  To the full extent permitted under applicable law, Broadcom disclaims all liability arising from or related to any use of these/this sample programs.

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Datacom if you have further questions.


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