Unable to select value for parameterized Lookup on Cost Plan Detail object after creation
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Unable to select value for parameterized Lookup on Cost Plan Detail object after creation


Article ID: 254177


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Unable to select value for parameterized Lookup on Cost Plan Detail object.

Steps to Reproduce: 

1. Create a CIT Object (ex: program)
2. Create a sub-object of the CIT Object (ex: capability)
3. Create a dynamic lookup that returns all the capabilities from the sub-object to be selected at the program level. Example sql:
from odf_ca_capability c
  AND (@where:param:user_def:integer:inv_id@ IS NULL OR
@where:param:user_def:integer:inv_id@ = odf_parent_id)


from odf_ca_capability c
WHERE (@where:param:user_def:integer:inv_id@ IS NULL OR
@where:param:user_def:integer:inv_id@ = odf_parent_id)

4. Add a new attribute to the Cost Plan Detail object based on the lookup created above and map inv_id to the parameter.

5. Financially enable your program instance record
6. Create a cost plan
7. Go to the Cost Plan Details
8. Add the new field tied to the lookup to the cost plan detail view
9. Observe you are only able to select the value once and after that it will not allow.

Expected Results: It should allow to update field value.

Actual Results: It does not allow to update field value.


Release : 16.0.3, 16.1.0


DE67746, Fix targeted for 16.1.1.

Workaround: Put this attribure in the Flyout details where it works.