Starred tasks in task list cannot be filtered
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Starred tasks in task list cannot be filtered


Article ID: 254172


Updated On: 11-02-2023


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You are in the Tasks workspace and starred a few tasks.  When trying to filter Starred tasks, there are no results returned.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to Modern UX (MUX)
  2. Click on Tasks icon
  3. Make sure 'Starred' column is on the grid list.  If not, add it.
  4. Click on the Star for some tasks
  5. Go to the filter
  6. Filter for Starred is equal to Yes

Expected Results - The starred tasks will display

Actual Results - No tasks are displayed


Release : 16.0.1, 16.0.3


This is fixed in 16.1