How to send emails on a failed task or event.
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How to send emails on a failed task or event.


Article ID: 254140


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


We see occasional, but reoccurring failures when doing a Bulk load of users.

Is there a way to automate a notification within IDM when the error occurs?



Identity Manager


Open System > View Submitted Tasks, locate a failure and review the Tasks and Events associated with this, determine the failing task(s) or event(s) and use that information to build the Email rules. 

For example, VST shows successful tasks, but illustrates the task, "Provisioning Create User" and the events, "Create User" and "Synchronize User" used by the task to complete the work.

If, for example, there was a failure on "Create User" event you would start with something like this for the email configuration under System > Email Create Email: