After applying the z/OS 2.5 compatibility maintenance PTFs (LU02875,LU04328) with their pre/co req PTFs and adding the new parms in the source config member (GSVXGSVX) the following messages appear when Sysview is started pointing to the updated source config member (GSVXGSVX).
[NOTE: The following errors can occur on any release if changes were implemented by engineering - For example, similar messages have also appeared in R17.0]
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX445E (MAIN) Configuration member: GSVXGSVX
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX446E (MAIN) Configuration option: Dsn-Site-XMLLIB NONE
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX447E (MAIN) Configuration error : Option name not found
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX445E (MAIN) Configuration member: GSVXGSVX
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX446E (MAIN) Configuration option: Dsn-System-CSI NONE
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX447E (MAIN) Configuration error : Option name not found
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX445E (MAIN) Configuration member: GSVXGSVX
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX446E (MAIN) Configuration option: Dsn-System-XMLLIB HLQ.SYSVIEW.R16M0.CNM4XML
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX447E (MAIN) Configuration error : Option name not found
01.17.35 STC01014 GSV2566E (MAIN) System configuration member GSVXGSVX contained 3 errors
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX205E (MAIN) Nucleus load failed, reason 24 set up failed for system configuration
01.17.35 STC01014 GSVX572E (MAIN) MAIN task initialization failed
01.17.35 STC01014 IEF404I SYSVIEW - ENDED - TIME=01.17.35
01.17.35 STC01014 $HASP395 SYSVIEW ENDED - RC=0004
Sysview ends with RC=0004.
Also these errors might be seen if using the old release Config member with R17 release.
GSVX744I (MAIN) Begin echo of member GSVXGSVX
GSVX744I (MAIN) End echo of member GSVXGSVX
GSV2565E (MAIN) System configuration member GSVXGSVX contains no options
GSVX205E (MAIN) Nucleus load failed, reason 24 set up failed for system configuration
GSVX572E (MAIN) MAIN task initialization failed
Release : 16.0 specific to the above; however, similar messages can potentially occur with other releases
Obsolete parms in the members of the PARMLIB
Incorrect CNM4BLOD library used by Sysview (In STEPLIB or LinkList)
The "GSVX205E (MAIN) Nucleus load failed, reason 24 set up failed for system configuration" can also occur if the configuration DD card is pointing to a prior release of the product.
Look for obsolete parms in the members of the PARMLIB and remove accordingly.
A reload will not be necessary if SYSVIEW is already up and operational. However, to pick up the changes, SYSVIEW will need to be started with a COLD start upon the next recycle.
The "GSVX205E (MAIN) Nucleus load failed, reason 24 set up failed for system configuration" can also occur if the configuration DD card is pointing to a prior release of the product.
Check that the CNM4BLOD library used by Sysview (In STEPLIB or LinkList) is the one where the maintenance was applied.