Enforce server self signed console certificate expires in February 2023.
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Enforce server self signed console certificate expires in February 2023.


Article ID: 254107


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Data Loss Prevention Enforce


Symantec data loss prevention enforce self signed console certificate expires in February 2023.



Release : 15.8

Enforce server self signed certificate.


By default, enforce self signed console certificate expires in 10 years and it shows date as 13th Feb 2023.


We can create a new self signed certificate for 10 years or even longer period say 23 years, if needed using following steps:

1. On the enforce server, go to the C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJRE\[JRE version]\bin directory.

2. keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keystore c:\temp\.keystore -validity NNN -storepass protect -dname "cN=common_name, O=organization_name, Ou=organization_unit, L=city, S=state, C=XX"

Where NNN is number of days. 

3. Copy the updated .keystore file into the C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\15.8.00000\protect\tomcat\conf directory.
4. Restart the Symantec DLP manager service on the enforce server.