Inventory Agent Plug-In Upgrade Fails with Error 1603 and Error 2318
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Inventory Agent Plug-In Upgrade Fails with Error 1603 and Error 2318


Article ID: 254092


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Client Management Suite Inventory Solution IT Management Suite


When attempting to upgrade the inventory solution plug-in agent, it fails with return code of 1603.  Researching the agent logs only reveals this error as the return code with no other failures.


Release: 8.6


Corrupt XML files in C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\Inventory Agent\InvTaskConfig.  0KB files shown in this directory. 


This issue is caused by creating inventory policies with a colon (:) in the name.  This is an illegal character in Windows operating system.  So therefore the file is not created correctly resulting in a 0 KB file. 

In addition, if a whitespace is used in addition to the colon (:), example:  My Custom :Inventory, when attempting to upgrade the inventory solution plug-in agent to a new version, it will fail with exit code 1603.

Delete the 0KB files from the folder and the upgrade policy will now run without error.  You may not be able to delete the file in Windows, as shown in the following screenshot:

If you receive that, you can run an elevated command prompt and force delete the files in this directory using del *.* /f /q The /q is for quiet so that you can use a script task to distribute to your end points.