Please note:
There is a newer version 03.02.00 of the MRI for Db2 component, which was released recently. But it is still valid, that the lowest supported version for the missing index charts, reported by customer in this Case, is 03.01.00.
The latest version 03.02.00 is newly required for newly introduced "Buffer Pools" charts.
So, installing either 03.01.00 or 03.02.00 will resolve the problem currently being encountered.
Please download the latest Toolkit version from the MRI web site and make sure the version shows 03.01.00 or 03.02.00 for the Db2 for z/OS Report Assessment.
If you did so, please doublecheck the following information, noting that the following instructions are valid for 03.01.00 and 03.02.00:
- When you unzip the Toolkit zip file, make sure it contains the following files with the correct versioning:
- If you already RECEIVEd all files on the mainframe under your (or the installation) high-level qualifier (HLQ), doublecheck the following information to be sure the correct version is used:
- Open the HLQ.CNTL(MRIDBSET) member
- Check the copyright statement in the MRIDBSET. It should display MAINFRAME RESOURCE INTELLIGENCE V030100
- Check the SET HLQ= JCL parameter to make sure that it points to the correct HLQ and not to the previous installation HLQ for example.
- Save the changes and re-run the customization job. This will allocate the HLQ.JCL library (if not exist) and generate scanning JCLs for each Db2 subsystem.
- Check the SYSPRINT from the customization job and search for "build: Sep 6 2022 02:39:51" information on the second line. This will assure you that you executed the correct version.
- Open the HLQ.JCL(SCAN*) member and verify, if it was tailored correctly and contains the correct JCL variables, especially the SET HLQ=
- Submit the job to run the scan.
- Check the SYSPRINT from the scanning job and search again for "build: Sep 6 2022 02:39:51".
- The scanning will produce the JSON dataset HLQ.NPOPLX01.FDI1.DDO2.JSON
- To validate in advance before downloading to PC if the scan was executed with the correct version, open the JSON file and search for Module_Build key. It must show "Module_Build": "Sep 6 2022 02:39:51"
- If the the Sep 6 2022 02:39:51 time stamp is present and job ended with RC = 0, then the JSON should be correct and will contain all required data.