UIM OC Alarm view still updates with Auto-Refresh Option Disabled
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UIM OC Alarm view still updates with Auto-Refresh Option Disabled


Article ID: 254047


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


When loading new alarms (Infinite Scrolling) or Sorting columns in the alarm View, the alarms are refreshed even though Auto-Refresh is disabled. 
We would expect that when Auto-Refresh is disabled it would be possible to scroll through the alarm list with a paused view. Instead, when new alarms are loaded with infinite scrolling, the alarm view is refreshed. 
When alarms are sorted it also refreshes the alarms list. 
Is this functioning as designed?


Release : UIM OC 20.4 CU4


Working as designed


Infinite scrolling is implemented to avoid performance issues within Alarm viewer. In the old implementation, we used to bring all alarms data which were resulting in long times in loading alarms or freezing the alarms view for long periods.
The purpose of the Alarms auto-refresh setting is to stop the refreshing alarms view automatically but to load a new page set of alarms on infinite scrolling it requires a refresh, the same way when the user performs sorting on a column we require to refresh the page to show the new results.

This is an expected behavior of any standard web application. Please let me know if you need any additional information. 



  Alarms will refresh automatically every 30 Seconds
Alarms are not automatically refreshed. If additional alarms are loaded by scrolling down in the list, the view is automatically refreshed. If any alarm viewer columns is sorted, the view is automatically refreshed.