TAMz logs showing time 1 hour behind for AEDT for Country of Australia
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TAMz logs showing time 1 hour behind for AEDT for Country of Australia


Article ID: 254018


Updated On: 11-09-2022


Trusted Access Manager for Mainframe


Having an issue with the time stamp in the TAMz 1.1 logs after daylight saving change here in Australia. The logs show 1 hour behind. 

System log and and USS times are ok. 

+ date    (This is the time in Unix System Services)

Thu Oct 13 11:14:13 AEDT 2022

+ date -c  (this is the UTC time in USS)

Thu Oct 13 00:14:13 CUT 2022

-D T    (This is the time in the syslog that shows Local and UTC time)

 IEE136I LOCAL: TIME=11.14.13 DATE=2022.286  UTC: TIME=00.14.13 DATE=2022.286


Restarted the TAMz started tasks at the same time and  the logs show 1 hour behind:

[13/10/22 10:14:39:850 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: Operating System: z/OS
[13/10/22 10:14:39:857 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: Java Runtime Environment: - pmz6480sr7fp10-20
[13/10/22 10:14:39:857 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: Application Server: Apache Tomcat/8.5.30
[13/10/22 10:14:39:857 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: Loading nim version mappings : nim-version.xml
[13/10/22 10:14:39:860 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: CA-NIM-SM Version:
[13/10/22 10:14:39:860 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: CA-NIM-SM TimeStamp: 2022-04-19T13:49:57
[13/10/22 10:14:39:867 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: Setting OData Api Doc config path /u/ssd$tam/tomcat/we
[13/10/22 10:14:39:871 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener:  setupAppResourcePath sharedLocation Value ========= n
[13/10/22 10:14:39:871 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: In setupAppResourcePath Method and the webAppPath  is
[13/10/22 10:14:39:871 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: NIM working on: Embedded Database
[13/10/22 10:14:43:557 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: Configuration database jdbc:h2:/u/ssd$tam/tomcat/webap
[13/10/22 10:14:45:065 GMT+10:00] [localhost-startStop-1]  INFO common.NIMServletContextListener: Default MDR: ServiceAide



Release : 1.1


To set the timezone stamp for NIM's logs, please add the following parameter to the top of your STDENV file for TAMSTC [e.g.:  "PRODUCTS.TAMZ.CFH0OPTN(TAMENV)"] :

IJO="$IJO -Duser.timezone=Australia/NSW"

This will force NIM to use this for its timezone in the logging, rather than the default timezone settings for the IBM JVM that's getting picked up during startup.

Then you need to restart TAMSTC to pick up the ENV change...

Once TAMSTC is fully online (TAM00100 message in the joblog), timestamps in the new logs should reflect the user.timezone setting.


For  SJVENV change to: 

# Configure JVM options                        
IJO="$IJO -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Xms512m -Xmx1024m"  

This line comes after the user.timezone parameter.

Adding in the $IJO should preserve the user.timezone line along with all the rest that follow.